Regional Community College of Twente

ROC van Twente is an enterprising Regional Training Centre for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education.

Our mission: to pass on knowledge, expertise and learning skills to students (16 and older) and adults to optimize their personal and professional development, thereby contributing to the socio-economic development of the region Twente.

Our aim: offering everyone the opportunity to develop his/her talents to full extent and gain a professional position and a place in society.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) and adult education

To achieve these goals, ROC van Twente offers training, educational tracks and courses to everyone at all levels. These include everything from secondary vocational education and training (VET), secondary education and adult education to tailor-made courses - flexible educational programs - for SME’s. 
Focus: flexible educational programs, tailor-made, covering the demands of students, customers and clients.

Vocational areas

Secondary Vocational education and training (VET) is provided in about 20 different branches from level 1 up to level 4 (EQF) covering the following vocational areas: engineering and  technology, care, health, economics, trade, sports, ict, catering and tourism, arts and design, fashion textiles.

Close relations with the regional labour market

Students in secondary vocational education are trained in professional practice via internships and work placements. The work placement or 'bpv' is a compulsory component of every course of  secondary vocational education. 

Therefore the 11 MBO Colleges of ROC van Twente maintain close relations with over 8000 companies and organisations in the regional labour market. 

Also in close consultation with regional trade and industry innovative education and training is developed to ensure a close match between the education that colleges offer and the skills that companies need.

Figures and facts: 18.500 participants; 2.000 employees

The organisation comprises 11 MBO Colleges for Vocational Education and Training, 1 College for Second-Opportunity-Education and Adult Education - covering the whole Twente region – as well as a number of central staff departments. 

At present ROC van Twente has 18.500 participants and 2.000 employees.

Dutch trainees?

  • Do you wish to get to know the European employees of tomorrow?
  • Do you wish to establish or strengthen your relationship with the Dutch market?
  • Do you wish to enhance coaching skills and intercultural awareness in your organisation?
  • Does your company need an extra pair of international hands for a certain period of time?

If you do so, this is the right moment to place a Dutch trainee in your organization.

VET Mobility Charter

In 2015 ROC van Twente received the VET Mobility Charter. This proves that the quality of our internationalisation activities is judged to be good.

We have set our goals for the next four years:

  • more internationalisation at 'home': intercultural lessons, interregional activities with our German neighbours, etc.
  • more mobility: we want to stimulate at least 1600 students to go abroad for their vocational traineeship in the next four years.
  • excellent students and teachers can apply for exchange programs around the world.